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3 / 3

Holger Danske
... but it does not work at all! Neither as individual links nor as a group.
So far, I now use to group, copy and drag the different sets to their place.
With a little luck and caution, they can then arrive in full condition ... like here under
The task here is to move a copy of the 3 marked rows of links, shown above, down to the footer!
The easiest thing would be if I could create a field that would be continuously updated in case of changes! But this probably does not exist?
The simplest way is to copy the entire links and drag them down to the desired location ... as here: (It funktioned very well in iWeb)
It almost works, but smaller displacements easily occur, as can be seen to the right of the field.
Alternatively, I have tried to group the same links:
It seems to be going well ... until I run into side margins!
Then the individual links are shifted between each other!
This is a problem if there is a long way down to the footer or another remote location!
Therefore, I have tried to copy the set and move it using the command "Paste at Mouse Location" ...
... these "solutions" are possible, but diffycult when you may have to do it 1,000 times or more!
It amazes me that I encounter said problem. During about 10 years I have done exactly the same thing in iWeb countless times ... and completely without any problems!
Now I very much hope that Ever Web can point to an easy solution, because otherwise I am totally at the mercy and have to start all over again with a completely different application! And what should it be for one? and what problems will I not also encounter there?
I really hope you can help.